There is simply too many answers for this question in my own mind, because I always think of what other people would respond with. For one to live a happy life, there may be no true answer for this, only opinion. So I guess I should give my opinion.
In order for someone to live a happy life, I would say they'd have to live a pure and true life, following each decesion without regret. When I say living a "pure and true life" I don't mean being the shining role model for the entire world, who has no vices, and is selfless beyond all reasoning. We're human, obviously being "Perfect" is almost entirely impossible, and people who do try to achieve this end up with a huge complex or something. What I do mean, is to go through your life living as true to yourself as you can, without loosing your ability to be aware of others. Live as your good concience dictates. If you do wrong, and make mistakes, accept the consequences of those mistakes without being a whiney, complaining baby about it. Always try to do right, not only what is socially acceted as morally right, but also what you feel is morally right. Societys view on a certain ethic or moral might not be yours, because although there are social norms we all end up following, everybody has a different view on things. The most important thing, is that you should never live with regrets, because if that happens, how can you ever be truley happy?
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